The Meaning Makers
Intrinsically, we conduit our own set of notions for why we exist. Meaning matters to us. This perplexes me because somehow, the desire for meaning can become a step towards the truth beyond our intellectual faculties, or a move down the drain. In either case, it is unlikely to leave us unmarked, if not forcefully willed, for I have observed that such a pursuit for purpose can usher us to a conclusion about ourselves or lead us to despair.
Doesn't such tendencies baffle you? Within our make-up are blood veins of curiosity, relentless to ask the big whys for which the meta-physical world fails to provide. Science has become the bosom of human's advancement, yet it is partial in responding to our deepest longings.
And since mankind is pinned in accordance to the limits of his knowledge, there will always be room for the unknown. This cloud of uncertainty can neither be proven or discredited, so that each of us has an empty basket to fill with hand-picked fruits of faith.
The search for meaning, as my well-loved author describes, is the start of spirituality. We have the power to choose what beliefs will form us and make our existence substantially worth living.