A Glory-Filled Sukkot!
The ark of God is in our hearts. His lingering, active, presence and glory resides within. Propelled by a promise , and made possible through the new Priesthood established by the Messiah, we have become adopted heirs of God’s Kingdom. The culmination of the Fall Feasts ends with a resounding message that lives on: By the Holy Spirit, both the Father and the Son dwell within us, so that we can receive an anointed life of triumph and the authority to spread the gospel into the far reaches of the earth.
We have come a long way. God has blessed us with the Spring Feasts to lay a physical reminder of what has been fulfilled in the spiritual, that is, the life, death and resurrection of our Messiah Jesus. But the outworking of God does not end there. Fifty days later, the summer harvest celebrates the Spirit of God who activates our inner man with dunamis power.
Now we have come to God's final act. The Feast of Tabernacles unravels that our redemption is not only a matter of salvation from sin as the Spring Feasts suggest, but salvation for God's ultimate intent, that is, to live with us and in us. This all holy, omnipotent, righteous God desires our fellowship 24/7.
Inasmuch as we think God is our inheritance, God said, we are His inheritance (Ps 94:14). We are a people privileged to commune with God. Spirit to spirit. This is the mystery hidden from ages past. This is the hope of glory put in present tense.
Take a moment to embrace the amazing work that the Trinity has done on our behalf. Let this week be filled with an awareness that the glory of God is inside of us.
A Blessed Sukkot to all of you!